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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is the menu button / how do I access the settings and help?
  2. On phones, there is a menu button above the SHIFT key, indicated by three dots.

    On tablets, there are settings and help buttons on the action bar at the top of the screen.

  3. What happened to the BIN, OCT, HEX modes?
  4. The BIN/OCT/HEX modes are disabled by default - you can enable them by selecting "Radix modes" in the settings.

  5. Why are some buttons greyed out or disabled?
  6. You are in binary, octal or hexadecimal mode, as indicated by BIN, OCT or HEX in the display. Press DEC (on shift-multiply) to return to normal mode. It's possible to get into these modes by accident by doing a long press on the plus/minus/divide keys.

    The BIN/OCT/HEX modes are disabled by default - you can enable them by selecting "Radix modes" in the settings. If you do not need these modes, or do not know what they are, please leave this option unchecked.

  7. Why doesn't the decimal point key work?
  8. You are in binary, octal or hexadecimal mode, which only support integers at the moment. See 'Why are some buttons greyed out or disabled?' above.

  9. Why do I get answers with letters in?
  10. You are in hexadecimal mode, see 'Why are some buttons greyed out or disabled?' above.

  11. Why do sin, cos and tan give me unexpected answers?
  12. Make sure you are in the correct angle mode. Degrees, radians and grads are supported, indicated by DEG, RAD and GRAD in the display. Use the DRG key to change mode.

  13. How do I view results in scientific or engineering format?
  14. The FSE key cycles the display between normal, fixed-point, scientific and engineering format. The display shows FIX, SCI or ENG when in one of these modes. Use the TAB key to set the number of decimal places in fixed-point mode or the number of significant digits in scientific or engineering modes.

  15. Why does the percentage key give me unexpected answers?
  16. Make sure you are pressing '=' to get the final result. For example, '25 + 10 % =' gives 27.5.

  17. Why are the data size conversions in multiples of 1000, not 1024?
  18. RealCalc has data size conversions for both 1000-based multiples and 1024-based multiples. For 1024-based multiples, you should use 'Kibibyte', 'Mebibyte', 'Gibibyte' etc. These are the IEC standard units for binary multiples, which were created to avoid this ambiguity. Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kibibyte for more information.

  19. How do I customize the unit conversion and constant tables?
  20. Customization of the unit conversions and constants is only supported in RealCalc Plus.

    Please see this page for help on customizing the unit conversions and constants.

  21. Where is the widget?
  22. If you have installed the app to the SD card, the widget will not be available (this is a limitation of the Android OS). To correct this, go to the Apps section of the main phone settings and select RealCalc Plus, then select 'Move to Phone'.

    The widget can be found in the same place as other homescreen widgets, which may vary depending on your device. They are usually found either in the main app drawer or by doing a long-press on a blank area of the home screen.

    Note that the widget is only available in RealCalc Plus, and that some devices do not support homescreen widgets (e.g. Amazon Fire devices).

  23. I cannot download the app, what can I do?
  24. Please see this page for help with common download and licensing issues.

  25. I have downloaded RealCalc Plus, but it tells me there was a licence error, what can I do?
  26. Please see this page for help with common download and licensing issues.

  27. I have downloaded RealCalc Plus, but it's the same as the free version?
  28. If you have downloaded RealCalc Plus, but it does not have fraction and DMS keys, then you are not running RealCalc Plus! RealCalc Plus is a separate application, distinguished by an orange '+' symbol on its icon. Please make sure that you are running the correct app. There is no need to keep the free version installed as well.

  29. Can I uninstall/reinstall RealCalc Plus without paying again?
  30. Yes. Application purchases are tied to your Google account, rather than to any specific device. If you go to the RealCalc Plus page on the Google Play store (here) you should be able to download the app again without having to pay.

    If you are being asked to pay again, make sure that the Google Play Store app is set to use the same Google account which you used when you made the purchase. You can check this by opening the Google Play Store app and going to Menu > Accounts.

    If you still cannot reinstall the app, please see this page for help with common download and licensing issues.

  31. I'm an advertiser - how can I get my ads into RealCalc?
  32. You can't :-)